Friday, October 21, 2011

Fitness Friday

Happy Friday!

One of my favorite things about fall in addition to the cooler weather is Football season.  In the spirit of America's real favorite pass time (sorry Rangers), I've listed a workout below that involves interval training that you can do outside at the football stadium nearest you. 

If you live in the DFW area, head over to the SMU soccer field- it's a great place to run sprints and bleachers!

Stadium Workout:
- Warm up, 2 laps light jogging
- 4 x 50 yard sprints (jog into this and pick up speed every 5 yards) rest 1 min.
- 5 x stadiums (walk every step and walk down, rest 45sec) * 30 steps
- 5 x stadiums (walk every other step and walk down, rest 45 sec)
- 10 x stadiums (run every step up and walk down, rest 45 sec)
- 10 x stadiums (run every other step up and walk down, rest 45 sec)
- Cool down, 2 laps light jog and stretch

  • Example of how workout should be interpreted:
    • 2 laps warm up
    • Sprint 50 yards, and rest for 1 min--Repeat 4 times.
    • 1 stadium set = 30 rows of bleachers or 30 steps
    • Walk up stadiums and walk down 
      • Rest for 45 seconds, repeat for a total of 5 times

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