Wouldn't you love to have the body of Brooke Burke? Ever wonder what she does for work outs? Turns out she does more than walk around in those Skechers commercials. This mother of 4 is as devoted to her family as she her 5 day a week workouts. Brooke does Pilates on the reformer 3 times per week along with hour long cardio interval weight training with her trainer. Here are a few moves she does to keep her body toned. Try them out at home!
Crisscross Lunge
Targets butt, legs- Stand with feet hip-width apart, elbows bent, hands clasped in front of chest.
- Cross right leg behind left, stepping right foot out to left, and then bend both knees about 90 degrees to lower into a curtsy.
- Return to start; switch legs and repeat.
- Do 20 reps, alternating sides. Do 4 sets.

Cheek to Cheek
Targets abs, obliques- Start in plank position, balancing on floor on forearms and toes, a straight line from head to heels.
- Keeping shoulders level, twist midsection to lower left hip toward floor; touch floor if possible.
- Return to plank and then lower right hip to floor.
- Do 20 reps, alternating sides. Do 4 sets.
Swimmer Squat
Targets back, abs, butt, legs- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms by sides.
- Lower into a deep squat.
- As you stand, lift extended right leg behind you and hinge at hips, reaching left arm forward so that body forms a straight line from left hand to right foot, as close to parallel to floor as possible.
- Return to start.
- Do 20 reps, alternating sides. Do 4 sets.
Targets shoulders, triceps- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell in each hand, palms up, with elbows bent by ribs and forearms pointing diagonally up out to sides.
Dead Bug
Targets abs, obliques- Lie faceup on floor with arms extended behind head, knees bent 90 degrees with feet raised, shins parallel to floor.
- Crunch up and hold position throughout as you bring left arm forward to reach toward toes and extend left leg.
- Switch sides and repeat.
- Do 20 reps, alternating sides. Do 4 sets.
*Workout taken from Fitness Magazine
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