Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Truth on Tuesay

Detox Diets:
a Do or a Don't?

Master Cleanse. Fat Flush. The Raw Food Detox Diet. They're all out there and undoubtedly popular this time of year. These crazy diet plans promise to remove various toxins from your body and allow you to drops lbs fast. Some even claim to cure problems such as GI distress and food intolerances.  But is it really necessary to go on a detox diet? Here's some truth:

Let's start by defining detox.  Now, before the recent craze, the word “detox” referred mainly  to a medical procedure that rids the body of dangerous, often life-threatening, levels of alcohol, drugs, or poisons. Patients undergoing medical detoxification are usually treated in hospitals and the treatment generally involves the use of drugs and other therapies (1).  These days, we associate detox more with the idea of products or supplements, such as laxatives, diuretics and other components that aid in removing various "toxins" we're exposed to through food, water, and the environment. 

But while we are exposed to many a lot more chemicals than we were 20-30 years ago, there is really no health advantage of going on a detox diet.  Individuals who go on detox diets may be reducing their exposure to toxins but there is no evidence to support which toxins they are and to what extent it may help (2).  

In fact, most research shows that going on these extremely low calorie restrictive diets actually lowers the body's metabolic rate.  So while you will likely lose weight, as soon as you resume normal eating you will gain the weight back quickly as you body is not use to metabolizing a normal amount of food.  Other risks associated with detox diets include dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and kidney problems (3).

Another thing to consider is that fact that all of these detox and cleansing supplements being sold at your local GNC or late night infomerical are not being regulated by the FDA.  Most health professionals will echo the notion that none of the herbal laxatives, syrup, or saltwater solutions serve as effective methods to remove toxins (2).  

Keep in mind too that our bodies are very equip at eliminating toxins naturally.  Both the liver and kidneys play important roles in the elimination of toxic substances within the body.  The liver produces proteins called metallothioneins that aid in metabolizing dietary nutrients like copper and zinc and act to neutralize hazardous metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, before they are eliminated from the body (1). The liver also produces various enzymes that act to breakdown toxins and harmful substances acquires from various drugs or medications.  The kidneys also act to filter out various wastes from the body.

The Bottom Line
Going on a fast, cleanse or detox diet for a 2-3 is not going hurt you.  In fact, some people find it motivating to eliminate junk foods from their diets to "jump start" a healthy eating plan.  However, it's important that you have a healthy eating plan in place to follow.  If you're looking to eat cleaner, try "detoxing" from things like fast food, sugary snacks and sodas, and most processed foods.  Shift your focus to whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and dairy.  So long as you are feeding your body a generally healthy & balanced diet along with regular exercise and adequate fluids,  getting good rest and staying up to date on your medical check ups, your body will do a fine job at defending itself against the chemicals and toxins it's exposed to.  If you really feel like you may be experiencing undue fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, or unexplained weight loss or gain, I would recommend speaking with your doctor instead of jumping on the detox diet train. 

1. The dubious practice of detox. (2008). Harvard Women's Health Watch, 15(9), 1-4.

2. Shaeffer, J. (2008). Spring Cleansing: Assessing the benefits and risks of detox diets. Today's Dietitian, 10(5), 34.

3. Detox danger: trendy colon cleansing, risky ritual. (2011). http://yourlife.usatoday.com/health/story/2011/08/Detox-danger-Trendy-colon-cleansing-a-risky-ritual-/49753954/1  

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! I get the "detox" questions all the time... thanks for this.
